Monday, August 10, 2009

I WANT to tell unemployment to go to hell. I NEED someone to answer the phone first.

Today marks the 9th day I have wasted T-mobile minutes (that I haven't paid for and will soon be cut off from- thanks EDD!) trying to get someone on the phone at the unemployment department. I know some of you are saying 9 days- that's nothing, and according to some of the horror stories, it really is nothing... but I am an impatient bitch and this is about me.

If you need help answering the phones, let me know. I need a job. I am about to dial in the vietnamese line and make strange noises until you ask me something in English and then I will yell aha! and force you to speak with me.

Instead, I utilized your email system. Which sucks as well. But doesn't have 30 minutes of infomercials for EDD that you sit through-press a button and die by disconnection- Then- after starting over, listen to you tell me things I already know again for 30 minutes BECAUSE BELIEVE ME I CHECKED ONLINE BEFORE CALLING.. before electrobitch say too many people want to talk to me so you will have to starve, go without electricity, and lose your house. Please try again later. Goodbye. Insert automated snicker here.

I can't believe that I have paid into this system for the last 15 plus years. If you are looking for money from me, you can dial me 32 times a day, call my mother, family and friends, send me nasty letters and scar my credit history so that when I do manage to score a job, I fail the credit check and they rescind their offer- but when I am looking for money from you, you are unavailable like that "friend" who owes me a cool grand. Side note: "friend"- I want my money. and people on welfare- where I am soon to be- get to sue for free because court fees are waived for broke folks- so watch out- ... I digress....

5 days later, I get a response. Umm- Dear Unemployed with hungry children, you worked a TEMP job, and even though you reported your earnings right and proper, (don't ever not do this, you will regret- even if you had to do it because it was lie or lose your home) we determined you made to much for the month and suspended your claim.... even though we KNOW the job was temporary, please go back to start. PS. We are sorry you were unaware but we would have told you if you would have called in to ask.

Where did I go wrong? This shit is like calling 911 and being put on hold.